Thursday, November 3, 2005


Seven more hours! In 7 more hours, I will be leaving my apartment and heading for home. I'm so excited to see CO. I was looking at the forecast and it's weird to think about bringing wintery clothes. I'm still wearing short sleeves here, so it'll be nice to cool off for a little bit.

I went and voted today. The Texas election isn't until Tuesday, but since I'll be in CO, I went in early. It was so weird how you could see the difference in wealth between this county and those I've voted in in CO. When I went to early vote for the presidential race last year, it was this huge setup with electronic balloting and everything. Here? Punch cards. Don't worry, I checked for hanging chads! What I found even more amazing, though, was how few people, at least at my plant, realized there was an election going on, even though there are some pretty big issues on the ballot. Namely, Prop. 2 to add an amendment to the state constitution to ban gay marriages, but there are 8 other possible amendments up for ratification as well. I guess I can give them the benefit of the the doubt in being distracted because of Rita, but still . . . . ! I went around telling everyone they should take their civic responsibility and go vote. Somehow, though, I got the feeling that no one was going to. They better not be complaining when something they disagree with becomes law!

Tonight I had the guys from work over for homemade pizza. Really, I needed motivation to clean my apartment now that Kristin has moved out. I actually got my wall hanging up AND covered my couch! I feel so productive. Now that I have my living room the way I want it, I just need to work on my bedroom. Somehow, I think that is going to be a much bigger deal.

Well, I had better hit the sack. 5:00 is going to come mighty early!

A bientot!

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