Sunday, March 15, 2009


. . . Also known as Pi Day! Yes, I am a huge nerd. But when my roommate insisted on doing something for my birthday and I realized that the best night to hold a get-together was Saturday, 3/14, I knew I had to have a Pi Day Party! Oh, man was it a blast! We had pie for dinner (pizza for the non-northeasterners), PIne nut salad, PIneapple ginger agua fresca (yum!) and everyone brought their favorite pie for dessert. I had door prizes for the best pie, who could recite the most digits of pi, who answered the most questions right on a quiz about pi and who won the most pie pieces in a game of Trivial Pursuit. The door prize were candles . . . in PIneapple Fusion and Warm Apple Pie scent. All in all, we had a great (and very nerdy) time. I love being an engineer! ;-P

My good friend, Lauryn, is a cake decorator. This is the "pie" she brought. Amazing!

Me looking awkward while everyone sings "Happy Birthday." Check out the awesome T-shirt!

The aforementioned Lauryn. We had to get a picture while we were both still 24!