Tuesday, November 15, 2005


One blood donation does not a veteran make. That was my lesson of the day. Last summer I gave blood while in CA with no problem. I was able to leave almost immediately after with no blackouts, queasy stomach or other difficulties. Hence, the formation in my mind of the idea that giving blood is no big deal. So today I go to give blood for the first time since then (after a year's hiatus due to an ear piercing). There was no problem giving the blood; I sat for the required time after the needle had been taken out, stood up and felt fine. So I left. Halfway back to my office, I had to sit down in the lawn so I didn't black out. After about five minutes I forced myself up the stairs and into my office where I promptly shut my door, dropped everything I was carrying and collapsed on the floor. I was sure I was going to throw up, pass out, and then die. Well, maybe not the dying part, but definitely the other two! Fortunately, after 30 minutes on the floor, I was able to sit up and eat lunch and then napped for another 30 minutes. I was worn out for the rest of the day and nearly blacked out again when I climbed the stairs into my apartment. Needless to say, I will rest for a while before leaving the donation site next time!

Find a site where you can give blood too at http://www.americasblood.org/.

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