Wednesday, August 31, 1983

August 1983

8/1/1983: Mom’s Birthday
Phil’s Birthday
8/5/1984: We left for Grandma’s & Grandpa’s today. The boys got so excited when we visit. We left early in the morning so we could beat the heat.
8/6/1983: We went to the beach today. The boys loved it. We could hardly keep Michael out of the water. Peter was a little more wary but finally consented to go out with Aunt Cindy and then had a good time.
8/7/1983: We were going to go back to Fresno today but were just too lazy so we will leave first thing in the morning.
I went bowling with Mom & Dad and did terribly. I was really surprised at how much it tired me.
8/10/1983: Dad’s Birthday
8/11/1983: Today is Stephen’s birthday & to celebrate we took the boys to the Roeding amusement park. Stephen & I get a real kick out of watching them. Peter grinned most of the time but Michael was so serious.
8/13/1983: The Bogarts invited us over for dinner tonight and it was quite enjoyable. They barbecued shish-kabobs which was a real treat for us. The boys played well with Andrea but got shy when it was time to leave. Andrea wanted to kiss them.
8/18/1983: Stephen came home very upset about Carl. Carl just doesn’t like anything Stephen does and called him on the carpet about what he is planning to teach this semester. Stephen is pretty serious about finding another job.
8/26/1983: Robin and Annette came over tonight. They taught us to play Rook. I really enjoyed it but Stephen just doesn’t do well at cards.