Sunday, June 30, 1985

June 1985

6/1/1985: Stephen took Michael, Peter and Naomi to a park. Afterwards we went to see Ronald McDonald at the new McDonald’s in town. He was outside and it was sure hot. The boys enjoyed the balloons they got.
6/2/1985: Today it is very hot and they say the hot weather will continue.
6/6/1985: Naomi really started climbing today. First she climbed up into her high chair. Then she crawled up onto the kitchen table to get some candy that was there.
Peter broke the front window this morning while I was outside filling their pool. When I came in he told me all about “the robber who threw stones that broke the window but not the screen.”
6/7/1985: We went to the Beverley’s for dessert and games. We enjoyed ourselves and got home late. Naomi made a huge mess in her pants and on the floor.
6/8/1985: It’s finally cooler. After a week of 95°+ days we got some cooler weather. We hope it stays cooler for a while.
6/10/1985: Stephen left for Athens this morning. He won’t be back till dinner tomorrow.
Mom & Dad must have got my letter about the “robbers” that broke our window. They just had to call and remind me about the mouse in the jacket.
6/11/1985: Naomi’s 5th tooth came through today.
Today was the first day of story hours for the summer. What a zoo! I’ve never seen so many children there. All the kids who were out of school were there. I also signed them up for the summer reading program. They will get a certificate if they read (or have read to them) at least 10 books.
6/14/1985: Stephen’s team wins again.
6/17/1985: Today was the first day of Bible School. It really went very well. I know it shouldn’t surprise me but I was pretty uptight about it. Unfortunately Naomi has developed diarrhea this afternoon so I’ve had to tell Erma I won’t be there tomorrow.