Sunday, August 5, 2012

Naomi and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

 . . . That was thankfully redeemed by a lovely dinner with Deanna!

So, after the excitement of yesterday - and considering the fact that we had no bed - Michael and I decamped to the Holiday Inn for the night. Michael was leaving bright and early today to catch his 10:00 am flight out of Houston. He had arranged for the shuttle to pick him up at 6:30, so I didn't have to drive to Houston and back. The plan was for me to roll out of bed, take him to the shuttle pick-up location and return to the Holiday Inn (and bed!) before getting ready for my last service at St. Mark's. That was the plan - but the shuttle never showed. When we finally decided around 6:45 that it wasn't coming and we needed to leave ASAP to get Michael to the airport on time, I lost it. I was a crying mess - and because I was in the driver's seat since I was just going to be dropping him off, I started off driving to Houston. That last about 200 feet before Michael made me pull over and let him drive. It wasn't that I was upset to have the extra time with him, it's just that I was banking on that extra sleep! Fortunately, the drive went smoothly both ways, although all the bakeries I stopped at, hoping for bagels, were closed.

Needless to say, even though I arrived back in Beaumont by 10:00 - early enough to make the 10:15 service - I did not go to church. Considering I had just rolled out of bed and put on yesterday's clothes, I was feeling very grungy and in need of a shower. Checkout wasn't until noon, though, so I had a chance to catch a little shut-eye in addition to freshening up. Still sad to have missed church, though.

Lunch was with Carol at Gino's Pizza and Pasta. I was able to introduce her to calzones, which she had never had before. She was worried that one wouldn't be enough - and quickly revised that thought when the huge pockets of pizza arrived! Once again, another lady I am sad to say goodbye to.

After lunch I headed back to the house for a test pack of all the items that I'll be bringing with me. In addition to the spices, alcohol and my dollhouse that had always been part of the plan (there I go, planning again. Don't know why I bother) I also had to try to fit in two folding chairs and a TV tray. They were in a hall closet that the movers and Michael had missed. No worries, though, Naomi is a Tetris master!

I then headed over to the Opals, who have graciously agreed to host me this last week, since I'm pretty much homeless now. I arrived just in time to say hi and bye to Frank as he headed for Houston for his weekly swing dancing, which meant D and I got to have a girls night. We had fun chatting, walking their two adorable dogs and trying to ignore the flirtatious waiter at Carino's - he was really anxious for a tip! Sorry, no pictures of any of it - though I'm sure the waiter would have been happy to pose!

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