Tuesday, January 23, 2007


First, for all the concerned folks out there (I know there had to be few, right . . . I hope) I am feeling mas bien. The kinks have all worked themselves out and I think I'm returning to normal. Just in time for the rematch this weekend . . . I have a feeling I may be a little more cautious this time around!!

Anyway, for the funny occurrence of the day . . . I was mistaken for a Japanese girl. Now, hopefully, this should be creating lots of questions in your head. Who in his right mind would think pale little ol' me looked Japanese? No one, actually, this person just thought my name sounded Japanese. Of course, this may not be any less puzzling, so let me explain (and if my parents read this before I get a chance to talk to them, I'm going to be in serious trouble! :).

The story goes like this . . . a good friend of mind at work decided that he wanted to hook me up with his friend in Houston. Anyway, he gave my work email address to this guy who I'll call, oh, I don't know, Josh. This was several weeks ago, and I hadn't hear anything, so I figured it was a no go. But, wonder of wonders, on Monday I received a nice long introductory email. To which I replied with an equally long introductory email. To which he replied, then I replied . . . long story short, we seem to have similar interests (He danced in college! and other fun stuff). We exchanged phone numbers and pictures and had a long conversation this evening. Anyway, to get back to the funny story, I guess all the Otts he has known have been of the Asian persuasion and since Naomi is a fairly popular Japanese name, he thought I was Japanese. Crazy, huh? And weird (considering that he is from MI, admittedly the UP, but still) that he hasn't met any good German Otts. Well, until Friday that is . . . when I drive out to Houston . . . to meet him . . . Woohoo, the dating saga of Naomi continues!!!! :-P


  1. Guess what! The parents read it before you talked to them! So apparently the email correspondence has been going on for a while. How come you haven't said anything?!!!


  2. Tell him that I will kick his BUTT


  3. You will need to post pictures.


  4. After Michael kicks his BUTT, I will smash his FACE.

