Sunday, January 21, 2007


A bunch of us gathered at a friend's house to hang out tonight and he put on a CD he had mixed himself. Most of the songs were pretty good and I was singing along until the first few beats of one particular song came on. I turned to friend and said "Is this . . . ?" and he nodded his head. "I had to study this school!" I exclaimed. "So did we," he replied. That song? "We Didn't Start the Fire" by Billy Joel, which is basically a run-down of historical/cultural happenings of the second half of the 1900s. My friend and I discussed how we both had to track down what all the events mentioned in the song were and how difficult it was to do so. Now? A quick search on Google easily brings up the lyrics and their meaning. Man, kids today must have it so easy researching for school projects!

In other news, I am in excruciating pain after a fun afternoon of ultimate frisbee ended with me being plowed down by a guy twice my size. Poor guy, he felt so bad. I tried to let him know it's just the hazard of the game and that I'd be ok, but he was still beating himself up. Oh well, at least my team won, and I even scored a goal! :-)


  1. that's so funny... my old roommate Amy apparently used that very lesson in her class last semseter to teach the jr. high kids something about listening!

  2. Umm, Naomi, at least the internet was around (if not Google) when you did this project. Some of us had to hit the books (read: ask our parents) what the song was about when we were assigned it.

