Sunday, June 5, 2011

Opal Wedding

For Memorial Day, Michael and I took a mini-vacation to Nebraska. Now, if you are not a Nebraskan, this may seem like an odd destination . . . unless you happen to be a huge Taylor Swift fan and wanted to be there for the first North American concert of her world tour, held in Omaha! Woohoo!! Oh wait, we aren’t Taylor Swift fans and we weren’t there for her concert and we did have to deal with hordes of jay-walking teenage (pre-teen? They all looked young to me.) girls wearing ridiculous jean skirts and cowboy boots. Plus jacked up parking prices. Despite the takeover, we really liked Omaha . . . especially the steak. But I’m getting ahead of myself! Let’s start over . . . 

For Memorial Day, Michael and I traveled to Nebraska for the wedding of our dear friends, Deanna Sandman and Frank Opal. The wedding was held on Sunday in Lincoln, but because we were flying into Omaha, we stayed there at a hotel near the airport. Not only did we get to see Frank and Deanna tie the knot, we also got to catch up with good friends. Saturday, we were able to spend time with Justin Rucker (who recently moved to Arizona) and with Kelly Shepherd and Melanie Spradling (who is slumming in DC). Really, though, the highlight of Saturday was making the requisite visit to an Omaha chophouse. Yummy! Although, expensive! But, it was good steak!

Sunday, we woke early to go to the first service at Trinity Cathedral, so we could get to Lincoln early to spend more time with Mel and Kelly before the wedding. They ended up helping Dee get ready, though, so weren’t available as soon as we got there. Making lemonade out of lemons (or rather, wine out of grapes) we took the opportunity to visit a local winery. After the tour (well, really, just a tasting), there was just enough time to grab lunch with Mel and Kelly and head to the wedding. The ceremony was beautiful, the reception a blast and the attempts to blow up water balloons to decorate their honeymoon suite a truly dizzying experience. But enough of me jabbering . . . let’s get to the good stuff!

Hanging out at the Gene Leahy Mall in Omaha on Saturday.

Beautiful bride . . . guess the groom 'tain't bad neither!

Here's a PSA: water balloons are not designed to be blown up by air!

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