Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Wednesday 8/21/2002

Romans 1:7-17
I really like verse 12, where Paul says he want to come to Rome to impart a spiritual gift on the believers - "that is, that you & I may be mutually encouraged by each others' faith." Think of it, here the Romans probably feel that Paul is something of a demigod, a paragon, but he is saying that they will each grow & encouraged by the others' faith. How much just reading that must have encouraged the Romans, to know that their faith is just as important, just as Godly, as Paul's.
Of course, verse 16 is famous - "I am not ashamed of the gospel", but I really like verse 17, where it quotes Habbakuk 2:4 "The righteous will live by faith." Lord, I don't need to be some sort of paragon to live righteously. As your child I can live by faith & I will then be righteous through you. Help me do that all important action of letting you take control and just living by faith.

I had P.A. (physical activity) this morning. It was basically just all the info, and then we were able to go. Then I had physics, which was, once again, basically just info & then we took an assessment test. After that I was free until 1:00, because the NHV recitation was cancelled all this week. I took that opportunity to get some reading (of my library books done). Chemistry was at 1:00, but our professor is out of town, so a TA just came in , handed out a syllabus, took attendance and let us leave. Economics was at 2:00, and guess who was in my class?!! Jill, from FCA. She's a senior, but apparently she's just never taken principles. She introduced me to Margo, a transfer junior who I found out is my chemistry class. I think the economics class will be pretty easy, although the class is huge! The entire time the professor was talking, I kept thinking about how this is what Dad used to do. She's more of an engineer, though, than he is. =) I didn't go to FCA tonight, because they were going to be playing sports out on the IM field and I figured that w/ a bleeding toe, that probably wouldn't be the best idea. I did get a lot of chemistry done, so that was good.

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