Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Not Even Skin Deep

I was catching up on my blogs after our trip this weekend and read a post on (by Jen Yates, of - so funny!) and she posted about this Pinterest board where a former model/photographer points out all the Photoshopping that is done to celebrities and models. I'm happy that I've always had a pretty good self-image but even I can get a little down seeing images of all these beautiful women - and based on all the Facebook and Pinterest posts of friends tagging such images with captions such as "gotta get to the gym so I can look like this" or "why can't I have such flawless skin" or other such statements, I know I'm not the only one. And I can imagine, if one doesn't have a healthy self-image, that the images could contribute to a pretty damaged psyche. The problem is, as the creator of the board points out, the women (and men!) we see in ads, promotional campaigns and movies are so digitally altered that they no longer look real and are not even recognizable as the original celebrity!

Anyway, I spent a good hour perusing the photos (fair warning, there is a decent amount of skin as many of the images are taken from ads and we all know - sex sells (or, at least, that's what Madison Avenue thinks)) and it was probably the best waste of my time on Pinterest ever. Definitely check it out - and let me know what you think! Like I said, I know I'm pretty happy with who I am, but I definitely worry about my (hopefully) future children - one more reason to limit their exposure to pop culture and seek out healthy role models! But even with taking such measures, I know they'll still see stuff that makes them wonder - so I want to make sure I have conversations from the get go on how Hollywood is not real life and their self-worth should not be defined by an unrealistic perception of beauty.

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