Monday, October 4, 2004


Lord, thank you so much for such a wonderful day! My McBride paper is turned in, I got an A in Kinetics and the transport test was a breeze. My heart is so light having all these things completed and I thank you for allowing me such a night. But, Lord, let this not be a happiness dependent on test grades and finished projects, bu let me find my joy in you. Oh Lord, you know how easily I am swayed by the actions of this temporal world, but give me your joy that I may always be a wellspring of life from you for other people. I thank you that you have blessed my with a cheery disposition and please show me how I can use it to bless others & serve your kingdom.

I thank you for the lesson on Jonathon's covenant with David. What an amazing example, to love someone as oneself. He proves that it is possible for a human to follow Christ's example. And thank you so much for being that example and for giving us a hope beyond this nasty, brutish, and short life. I want to lift Christine up right now and I ask for you to soften her heart and bring her to you. How ironic that her name is a derivative of yours and she doesn't really seem to know you. Give me the boldness to share you with her.

In reading about Jonathon's love for David, I am reminded of the passage that discusses their souls being knit together and how Kristin and I joked about our souls beings similarly knit together. But it's not just a joke. I know you provided her for me to help me with my transition to CA. I don't know if I have ever truly thanked you for that. So, thank you, Lord, for your awesome provision of a "kindred spirit" way out in CA. And Lord, if it be your will, please arrange it such that she can come out & visit this Christmas!

Finally, I come before & humbly admit my own disorganized life. Just about every comment Gordon MacDonald made in his book applies to my life. I must be the poster child for disorganization! But I thank you that you have a plan for my life despite my disorganization and I pray that you will help me and give me the courage to order my private world.

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