Tuesday, February 28, 1984

February 1984

2/1/1984: We went to the zoo today with Sarah & Mrs. Jones. The monkeys must have just woken up because they were really hooting. It was like they were trying to wake up the rest of the zoo. After we walked around for a while we had some popcorn & oranges that Mrs. Jones had brought.
2/3/1984: Grandma Margaret’s
2/10/1984: We have been turned down for a Visa card at our credit union because we have “a bad credit rating & outstanding delinquent debt.” Needless to say, I am upset. They have to have our signature on file before they will release our credit report to us so Stephen went down & got the form.
2/14/1984: We made Valentines for Daddy today. It was a lot of fun to paste and color them. We put them by Daddy’s dinner plate & were going to let them be surprise but Michael blurted it out as soon as Daddy got in the door. He was really excited about it.
2/17/1984: We got our credit problem straightened out. It was based on information that was over a year old & that was inaccurate anyway. It doesn’t seem like very responsible behavior for a credit reporting company.
2/18/1984: We went looking at cars today. We looked at a Vanegan that would be ideal but it is way out of our budget. The boys were very upset that we didn’t bring it home.
2/20/1984: I took the boys to the Smurf movie today. They weren’t too impressed with the movie (neither was I) but the loved getting popcorn & bouncing up and down in their chairs.
2/23/1984: I had my tubal ligation interview today. The gal had to explain the policy of the church & the hospital and then make sure it wasn’t something I would regret or that it would break up my marriage, etc. Now the board has to vote on it but they don’t meet until March 6. Then it has to be a unanimous vote.
2/29/1984: We bought a car today. It is a 1978 Ford Country Squire wagon. It has power everything. The boys are fascinated with the windows that go up and down all by themselves. Peter also likes the “skis” (luggage rack) on top of the car.

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