10/5/1981: Michael's eighth tooth came through today.
10/17/1981: I got a curly perm today. It didn't seem to phase Michael at all but Peter wouldn't have anything to do with me all day. He kept real close to his Daddy.
10/20/1981: 2:45 Freno
10/29/1981: 7:15 Friday
10/30/1981: The boys went trick-or-treating tonight. They really looked cute in their clown outfits. Of course their daddy got most of their candy
10/31/1981: Michael was so angry tonight that he flipped himself out of his crib. What can we do with him if he's not even safe in his crib?
11/23/1981: Stephen passed his defense today with flying colors. Just a few minor rewrites and he will be done. And to think he was so worried about it
11/25/1981: Cindy arrived today to spend Thanksgiving weekend with us.
12/2/1981: Stephen turned everything in today. He is now officially "Dr. Ott." He even beat the deadline by 2 days.
12/11/1981: Graduation was today. It was just a formality but it sure gave us a lot of pleasure. Anyway, he now has document in hand. Nothing can take his Ph.D. away from him
12/24/1981: We went to Michigan to spend Christmas with Stephen's folks.