Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Starting a Trend

Last year, 3 days before heading off for our grand NYC/Mass. trip, I was in a pretty serious accident. I ended up having to take muscle relaxants and heavy duty painkillers for the entire trip. While I didn't let it stop our fun, it certainly was not my idea of the way to kick off a grand tour! Anyway, back to today . . . Michael and I are leaving on Thursday for a whirlwind house hunting trip in NOVA. (Oh, did I not tell you we are moving? Well, we are. To D.C. In a month. Eeek!) A trip where I need to be on the top of my game, as we'll probably be in and out of 30+ houses in the span of 2-3 days. So what happens while I'm on my way home? A lady (ON HER CELL PHONE. GRR!) rear-ends me while I'm stopped at a light, pushing me into the truck in front of me. Fortunately, he did not have a trailer hitch, otherwise my car would have sustained a lot more damage, maybe even been totaled. Coincidentally, the car in front of the truck was a State Trooper! Poor guy, he wasn't actually on duty yet, he was just on his way to his job in Orange, but we pressed him into service. I could tell he wasn't too happy about it. The truck owner decided he didn't have any damage and didn't want to wait around, so the state trooper allowed him to leave. The lady who hit me was very quick to apologize, take blame and give me her insurance information - but she DID NOT want the trooper to issue her a citation. I can't blame her, I wouldn't want a citation either, but even though the trooper offered to give us a blue form, which just details the incident for insurance purposes and leaves it to the insurance companies to assign blame, I dragged my feet. I knew with the damage to my car, both bumpers would have to be replaced and I didn't want there to be any chance that my insurance company (and me, considering our deductible) would have to eat that cost.

Fortunately, since it was a low-speed hit (I was stopped and she was going maybe 5 mph), I didn't feel like I really had any whiplash. Just to be safe, I called my good friend, Sue, who is a nurse (and whose husband we were supposed to bowl with tonight). She said that even though I didn't feel it right away, I probably would later, and I should go ahead and take the muscle relaxants and painkillers I had left over from last year's accident. I was concerned about how loopy the relaxants made me last time, though, so she recommended splitting the pill in half and taking half before bowling and half before bed. They are such small pills, though, it was hard to cut one, and I ended up with one 1/3 piece and one 2/3 piece. I took the 1/3 piece before bowling and even with that small amount I was three sheets to the wind! I hadn't planned on bowling anyway, since I didn't want to risk aggravating any sore muscles, but Larry thought I was pretty punchy. Guess I get a little mouthy when I'm all loosened up! ;-P

Hopefully, the day off tomorrow will be sufficient to rest my body for the DC trip, but suffice to say, I don't think I'll be making any cross-country trip plans for next July!!

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